Choices in Community Living
If you were born with a disability, lived at home until you were 16 or 20 and then moved to a residential service, what real choices would you have made?
Choices in Community Living (CICL) is an alternative to residential services, and opens up opportunities for disabled people with high needs and their family, to have choice and control about – where they live, who they live with, and how they are supported. The way funding is used under Choices in Community Living allows disabled people and families to make real choices about supports – what they look like, how often, where, by whom.
For Renaissance, CICL is exciting as it endorses our core values, of choices, opportunities and possibilities. At Renaissance, we endeavour to work with the disabled person and their family by asking a simple question – “How can we be of service?”
We are currently working with a number of individuals and their families who are at different stages of their Choices journey. Each individual’s support needs and package has its own complexities, challenging us to explore creative ways to design supports which will ensure a good life and safety.